HARYANA STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION BAYS NO. 67-70, SECTOR-2, PANCHKULA-134151 is known as HSSC invites application for the bellow cat. under Advt.No.-01-13
Important dates:-
Date of closing the receipt applications - 8-8-2013
How to apply:-
Application can be made by Registered post only at the address of the hssc at
To the Secretary,
Haryana Staff Selection Commission,
Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula PIN- 134151
Cat.No.-2 to 80, 86, 88 to 121 = Gen.(Haryana only) 150/- SC/BC/SBC/EBPG 35 /-
17 to 40years
Important links:-
official website of hssc www.hssc.gov.in
No.of posts:-How to apply:-
Application can be made by Registered post only at the address of the hssc at
To the Secretary,
Haryana Staff Selection Commission,
Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula PIN- 134151
Cat.No.-2 to 80, 86, 88 to 121 = Gen.(Haryana only) 150/- SC/BC/SBC/EBPG 35 /-
Cat.No.-1,81 to 85 & 87 = Gen.(Haryana only)100/- SC/BC/SBC/EBPG 25/-
(fee = Bank Draft or Money Order / Cash won't be accepted. Fee once sent with the application form is neither transferable nor refundable/adjustable. Treasury challans / Postal Orders purchased before the publication of this advertisement and after the closing date will not be accepted.)
Age limit:-17 to 40years
Important links:-
official website of hssc www.hssc.gov.in
13 post = Insect Collector
Education qualification:-
Matric with Science, Physics , Chemistry and Knowledge of Hindi / Sanskrit
Pay scale-
5200-20200 + 1800/- Grade Pay
No.of posts:-
13 posts = Dispenser (Ayurvedic)
Education qualification:-
Click here for know about the 1 to 96 Cat.Full detail and for downlaod the appliction latter
Education qualification:- Graduate or diploma in sports (Same for all next Cat.) |
Cat.No.:-97 50 posts of Junior Coach Athletics
Cat.No.:-98 20 posts of Junior Coach Badminton
Cat.No.:-99 35 posts of Junior Coach Basket Ball
Cat.No.:-100 20 posts of Junior Coach Boxing
Cat.No.:-101 6 posts of Junior Coach Cricket
Cat.No.:-102 12 posts of Junior Coach Cycling
Cat.No.:-103 7 posts of Junior Coach Fencing
Cat.No.:-104 20 posts of Junior Coach Foot-Ball
Cat.No.:-105 12 posts of Junior Coach Gymnastics
Cat.No.:-106 30 posts of Junior Coach Hand-Ball
Cat.No.:-107 30 posts of Junior Coach Hockey
Cat.No.:-108 15 posts of Junior Coach Juddo
Cat.No.:-109 1 post of Junior Coach Kayaking & Canoeing
Cat.No.:-110 45 posts of Junior Coach Kho-Kho Kbabaddi
Cat.No.:-111 20 posts of Junior Coach Net Ball
Cat.No.:-112 1 post of Junior Coach Rowing
Cat.No.:-113 5 posts of Junior Coach Shooting
Cat.No.:-114 28 posts of Junior Coach Swimming
Cat.No.:-115 5 posts of Junior Coach Table Tennis
Cat.No.:-116 7 posts of Junior Coach Taekwondo
Cat.No.:-117 10 posts of Junior Coach Tennis
Cat.No.:-118 30 posts of Junior Coach Volley-Ball
Cat.No.:-119 5 posts of Junior Coach Weight Lifting
Cat.No.:-120 95 posts of Junior Coach Wrestling
Cat.No.:-121 2 posts of Junior Coach Wushu
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